• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
5 Big Things That Could Be Negatively Impacting Productivity

5 Big Things That Could Be Negatively Impacting Productivity

Supercharging productivity isn’t as easy as drinking strong coffee and staring at a screen for as long as possible. There are a huge number of things that can negatively impact productivity, and below, we’re going to take a look at 5 of the biggest issues to blame. Whether you work for yourself or you own a small business, making sure the following 5 things are not getting in the way will make a big difference. 

  1. Mindless Browsing

We’re all guilty of mindless browsing from time to time, but it could seriously hinder how much you and your team get done in a day. Scrolling through emails and social media is massively damaging to productivity, as is looking at your smartphone. It’s especially dangerous to start scrolling first thing in the morning, as time can quickly pass and before you know it, you’ve not done any work. Have set times for checking these things, and when you do, make sure you look with an aim in mind. Never check without a reason. 

2. A Poor Attitude 

If you have a poor attitude towards the work you’re doing, or your team seem to, this is going to impact productivity and how much gets done. Even if the work gets done, it may end up much lower quality than if it was carried out with a more positive attitude. Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing is key. Feeling like the work is meaningful and important is a must. If you don’t feel this way, and you know your team don’t, it could be time to make a change. 


3. A Lack Of Safety Precautions In the Workplace 

Taking safety precautions in the workplace is essential. Injured employees or unsafe working conditions can cost you a lot of money. Fleet management solutions, for example, can work really well for businesses that deal with transportation. Other safety precautions can be regular risk assessments, alarms, signs, CCTV, and so on. Not only will this protect your business and equipment, it’ll protect your employees and make them feel safe. Safe employees always work harder. 

4. Your Relationship With Your Team/Employees

If you have a poor relationship with your team/employees, it could be impacting your productivity in a negative way. Make sure you take an interest in them and their wellbeing. Work on being a good leader, rather than just a boss. Listen to them and find out what they need from you. Go above and beyond to make sure working for you is a pleasant experience. 

5. Personal Issues 

Personal issues can take up a lot of space in the mind and make it difficult to get anything done. If the personal issues are your own, exercise and meditation are two things that can help you to gain clarity and actually feel like getting some work done, rather than sitting and thinking about everything that could be going wrong. If your employees have personal issues, helping them out could be a way to improve productivity. For example, an employee that is struggling to find a new place for their family to live after having to move will likely struggle to concentrate. You could potentially put them in touch with a landlord you trust, or give them a reference. Do what you can to help them and both your relationship and their situation will improve. 

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