• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
My Psoriasis Story

My Psoriasis Story

As a child, I never suffered with bad skin, apart from the usual small outbreaks of teenage acne, I had really lovely skin. My Dad and Brother have both suffered with eczema all of their lives, and I’d always hated seeing them so uncomfortable and in pain from accidentally scratching.

Then, when I turned 16 I moved out of my parents home and in with Zak’s Dad, I was working in a bakery at the time, nothing stressful, in fact I loved my job, and I loved my life. One day at work one of my colleagues pointed out a few scales on my elbows, I’d never seen anything like that before and she said she thought it was psoriasis, but it didn’t really bother me as it wasn’t painful or itchy, and to be honest I forgot it was there for a while.

What is psoriasis?

For anyone that doesn’t know, psoriasis is, it’s a skin disease that causes red itchy patches usually on your knees, elbows and scalp. It can appear anywhere on the body but those are the normal places. The patches are covered in skin patches, they’re a white-silver colour. Psoriasis can occur in anyone, but usually in adults under 35, it effects men and women equally, but only around 2% of the UK suffer with it. It occurs when the body produces too many skin cells. Everyone’s skin renews, but people who have psoriasis, renew much faster and the skin forms in the patches mentioned before. It is said that it’s a problem with the immune system, but for some reason the body attacks the healthy skin cells. The reason is unknown.

How does psoriasis affect me?

When I was around 17, the condition had got worse, my elbows were now completely covered, and they were very itchy and sore, they’d crack when I bent my arm and bleed, causing it to become thicker and worse. I went to the doctor and he confirmed the diagnosis, giving me moisturising creams and bath lotions. It improved the dryness, but did nothing else for me.


Since then it has got progressively worse, it’s now on my knees (with patches all up and down my legs), even worse on my elbows, in fact it’s made it’s way up my arm in patches and to my hands and knuckles. it’s on my scalp, which sometimes creeps down my forehead and behind my ears, I also have patches all over my stomach, back, and even breasts. I’ve been loaded up with pretty much every type of lotion and potion out there, but they don’t work.

It’s gotten to a point now where I can’t wear anything that reveals my arms or legs, and I can’t wear my hair up because it will reveal the awful plaques in my hairline. Every time I go to the doctors I get sent away with the same stuff that doesn’t work, so how am I meant to treat this? It’s not fair that I feel truly embarrassed to go anywhere some days, it’s not fair that when I touch the areas affected, loads of skin falls off. Why do I have to suffer with this, why should anyone?


I’d really love to hear from someone that has had or still suffers with psoriasis, and what they do to keep it at bay or anything they have done to get rid of it. I read somewhere that vitamin D tablets may help, so I’m giving them a go at the moment to see how it goes, but I’m not really expecting anything. The problem is, I’m so low about it all of the time, and when I feel low, it flares up more, and in places that most of the time are clear (like my face, most of the time). I feel like if I go back to the doctors, I’m just going to be sent away again, but I can’t live the rest of my life embarrassed like this.
Much love xxx

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