• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
Hey, I’ve Been Trying To Get In Touch

Hey, I’ve Been Trying To Get In Touch

Freelancers, bloggers, and WAHMs — Work At Home Mums – dislike nothing more than missing an opportunity. When you need to create work for yourself and attract clients to make a living, you can’t afford not to pick up a call or reply to emails. However, at the same time, you need to be realistic. There are only so many hours in a day. If you want to fulfil the projects you’ve committed to, you can’t be distracted throughout the day. It’s no wonder that many independent professionals feel stuck when they have to choose between finishing existing projects and acquiring new clients to survive! But it doesn’t have to be your only choice. You can create an effective first line of contact that will handle all queries, complaints and comments for you, while you can focus on what you do best! 

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Divert calls to a reception

Ask yourself honestly: do you have time to take phone calls during the day? If you’re struggling to meet deadlines already, your only option is to find a reliable service that takes care of your calls, such as the phone answering by VHQ. Indeed, using a virtual reception will not only free up time during the day, but it also makes your venture appear more professional. More importantly, you can carry on your work without fearing any further interruption. 

Create A FAQs page

Why do people get in touch? When they are not ready to buy yet, more people reach out to businesses to find answers. Whether they are unsure about your services or worry that you may not be able to deliver on time, they try to find out reassurance and confidence before hiring you for a job. Admittedly, you have to make up time to gain their trust, but it doesn’t have to disturb your schedule. You can use your online presence to convey the information they need. Your website is your best ally. Keep the information visible and accessible on the page. You can even create an FAQ page to address direct issues that don’t fit in any other section of the site. 

No more unnoticed @mention

Twitter and Facebook are the favourite customer service platforms for your audience. Indeed, most people reach out to brands online to ask questions or comment on their experiences. Therefore, it’s essential to track business mentions online. Indeed, over 80% of users expect a reply within 24 hours on social media. Almost a third of the population want a response within one hour. In other words, you can’t afford to miss out. But you can use a solution that tracks social media mentions for you and keeps you informed when you need to react. 

Stop clients sending letters to your home address

When you work from home, it can be tricky to maintain your work/life balance, especially if you’re using your home address for your business. You can switch to a registered office address with forwarding mail services to protect your privacy. Additionally, encouraging your audience to get in touch via an official business address can reduce the risk of misplacing or throwing away business documents. 

Running a one-person venture is challenging. However, you can give yourself more space to think and work by diverting customers towards your FAQ page, a virtual receptionist or even a registered business address. On the one hand, you’re not missing any query, but on the other hand, you’ve got more time to focus on delivering your services. 

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