• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
What You Need to Know About Moving Abroad

What You Need to Know About Moving Abroad

Moving to a new country in order to settle down is quite an adventure. You get to meet so many new people and adjust to a new culture; by the time you’ve lived there for a few years, your life will be completely different than it was before you left.

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If you are considering to move out of your home country and become an expat, there are a few things you should know about first. By doing enough research and planning out the move as much as you can, you’ll be able to eliminate the biggest pitfalls – and can start to look forward to the future even more.


Here is a handful of things you should keep in mind before becoming an expat so that you can feel a bit more comfortable about your decision.


First: You need a plan


A plan in terms of what to do and where to live is vital when moving abroad. While it depends on your age, of course, and the circumstances in your life, in general, a proper plan will help anyone to reduce their stress levels a bit and keep a clear mind.


Even if you don’t have kids and feel like heading off on an adventure of a lifetime; knowing where you’re going to stay when you land is going to make the journey a lot more pleasant.


Invest some time into figuring out what work you can do as well as the type of visa you need. If you’re moving abroad in order to join your partner, you can probably just rely on a partner visa – but anything else requires some research and planning so that you don’t have to leave the country in just a couple of months.


It’s going to be a lot of back and forth, after all, if you’re trying to stay in another country permanently on a tourist visa – and you certainly can’t work in your new country without a proper visa.


Next: Keep your connections at home


While you’re excited and happy about your plans at the moment, there will be a time when you feel a bit homesick and might even question your decision. It’s perfectly normal, however, and something that most expats experience.


One of the most important things you can do in order to beat these homesick blues is to keep in touch with those you love at home – and even bring a few food items over that you can’t buy in the new country.


Remind yourself that you will be able to visit from time to time as well and that the people you love can visit you as well. You will have two home countries now, after all, and you might find that you miss your new home when you’re visiting your friends and family.


Moving abroad is definitely a big decision but it could also be one of the best ones you’re going to make. Keep in touch with your friends and family back home and enjoy exploring the world.

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