• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
Do You Have What It Takes To Manage A Team At Work?

Do You Have What It Takes To Manage A Team At Work?

When you are looking to get promoted at work, sometimes the task of getting promoted overshadows preparing for your new role. You work so hard to be noticed in order to get promoted, that you might not pay attention to what your new role will require, or the ways in which it will challenge you as a person.

One common challenge that people face when they get promoted is managing a team. All of a sudden, you are required to look after a team of people who are all looking up to you as a leader, a mentor and a guide. This pressure can get to people in astonishing ways; in today’s blog, you will learn how to have what it takes to manage a team at work.

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Management is a learned skill, not always a natural state.

Often, people forget that managing a team of people is a learned skill, not always a natural state of being, for a lot of people. Some people are natural born leaders, while others are more attuned to looking for guidance in others, rather than leading the way themselves. 

If you are more comfortable being a follower than a leader, you will need to spend time learning how to change the way you think, speak and act at work in order to become the leader you want to be. Don’t expect to simply fall into the role and excel straight away; just like any skill, leadership takes practice.

Mentoring people means accepting your own failures and healing from them.

Being a mentor to others means being a mentor to yourself first. This means looking at your failures and shortcomings – we all have them! – straight in the eye and accepting them as part of your journey. If you still have issues that lie deep within, you might find yourself feeling limited in what you can do to help others. 

Practicing what you preach is essential to being a good mentor, so ensure you are honest with yourself about how you want to progress, and any roadblocks that are stopping you from becoming a good team leader. 

Look to professional guidance.

Professional guidance can help you overcome your fears about team management and unlock the potential you have been waiting to meet. Executive Coaching Courses consist of structured team leadership and coaching lessons, feedback, insights and experiences that will build your confidence as a team leader and help you achieve everything you have worked so hard for at work.

There is nothing you can’t achieve without the right structure, and seeking professional help is a great way to find this structure. Needing professional help doesn’t make you weak; it actually shows your strength and determination in facing your fears and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. 

Final Thoughts

Managing a team at work is a hugely important role, and one you should not take lightly. If you are new to management and need management advice for work, make sure you use this guide to get started on your team leadership journey.

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