• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
Here’s How You Can Spark Your Creativity in Quarantine

Here’s How You Can Spark Your Creativity in Quarantine

As if you haven’t already been feeling anxious enough in the middle of this pandemic, you see claims on Twitter that Shakespeare wrote King Lear, widely regarded as his crowning artistic achievement, in quarantine. Then, Taylor Swift released her most critically-acclaimed album yet, which she wrote in isolation in the middle of a pandemic.

So, how did these two people, centuries apart, manage to create art in a time when everyone’s creative juices have evaporated?

Art Amid a Pandemic

Various studies have suggested that stress can block a person’s creativity, and nothing is as stressful as the time you’re living in right now. You’re stuck at home either alone or with the same people that you’ve been with for 24 hours every day these past few months. That is not to mention the constant threat of the pandemic to your well-being. All of these

But, people still creating art right now are proof that you can overcome stress and see your creative well fill up again. Doing the things below might help.

  1. Let yourself not be creative.

If the sponge is dry, there’s no point in trying to squeeze water from it. You’ll end up damaging the sponge. Now, think of the sponge as part of your brain where all creativity is stored and creativity as water. If it isn’t there, don’t force it. That might sound counterproductive, but if you’re forcing yourself to produce art but not enjoying it, it’s not worth it. So, allow yourself not to be creative. Sooner or later, that love for creating will manifest again.

  1. Remind yourself why you love creating.

Just because you’re not feeling creative doesn’t mean you should completely forget about your passion. When you’re reminded of the reasons you love being creative, it can inspire you and help you find that spark again. You can accomplish this by looking at your old works, positive comments about them if you’ve shared your work to the public, or simply watching others have fun creating.

  1. Make your space stimulating.

The mind works in mysterious ways, so you never really know what hinders and fuels your creativity unless you make some changes, and you see their effects. One of the changes you can make is in how your space looks. The environment you’re in is essential in stimulating your mind, which is why plenty of productive workplaces have features like indoor gardens with moss walls. So, if you haven’t changed up your furniture arrangement since the pandemic started, maybe it’s time to do so. You can also repaint your walls or add pieces of art that inspire you.

  1. Practice mindfulness techniques.

Since creativity hinges on the state of your focus, it’s important to hone it through mindfulness techniques, such as meditation. Not only does practicing these techniques help get your creative juices flowing, but it also reduces stress and anxiety, keeping you relaxed enough to do whatever creative thing it is you do.

These are only a few of the techniques you can use to spark your creativity once more. However, you have to keep in mind that it might take time to work, especially right now when so many things are up in the air. Make being kind to yourself your priority.  

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