• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England

Dealing With Doctor’s Trip Fears

The doctor’s office: usually thought of as a white room with a clinician in, sitting in the middle, an air of authority around them, and you as the patient they don’t want to see. However, this idea is entirely wrong, and realising this is the first step in making sure your next doctor’s trip isn’t as bad as the last […]

Get Fit in the Privacy of Your Own Home

Staying fit can be a challenge for anyone, what with the demands placed on our time and energy by work, family obligations, and the need to decompress with our favourite hobbies when we finally get a moment to take a breather. For parents of young children, a whole new dimension gets added to the picture, and it can seem hard […]

Dear Son, You Make Me.

You make me laugh, You make me cry, You make me teach, When constantly asking “why?”.   You make me better, You make me proud, You remind me of me, Especially when you’re being loud.     You’re so honest, You’re so loved, Sometimes I honestly think You were sent down from above.     You love your family, You […]

How To Deal With A Frightened Child

Today I had to deal with one of the worst things a parent can see their child go through; fear. Dinky had an ophthalmology appointment today and although this isn’t the first time he has been to have his eyes checked, he was not happy during the whole car journey there. My Dad took us, and normally when he’s around […]