• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England

Training The Brain For A Fulfilling Life

The human mind is simply incredible. As such, building a confident and positive outlook can bring benefits to a whole host of different life aspects. In turn, this will give you a far better chance of feeling happy and contented. In truth, what more could any of us ever want from this world? As humans, we thrive on that quest […]

How To Cope With Anxiety

I’m just going to put it bluntly, anxiety is shit. I have dealt with it daily for over 10 years. Most of the time it isn’t bad enough to rule over my day, but those days/nights where my anxiety is so intense that I can barely catch my breath are awful. I had my first one of those creep up […]

Caketoppers Review!

I was contacted last week by the lovely people over at Caketoppers, asking me if I’d like to review two of their delightful cupcakes, with a choice of what I wanted, printed on the top. How could I say no?! After much thought about what I’d like to have printed onto my cupcakes, I decided to use and officially release my […]

Dear Dinky..

Dear Dinky, I doubt you will ever read this, but I love you. I love the way you kiss my cheek when you’ve been naughty. I love the way you can never be still, even though I know it’s more frustrating for you than it is for anyone else. I love how every morning regardless of how you feel, you […]

Dinky got glasses!

Last year at parents evening, Dinky’s teacher recommended that we take him to get his eyes tested as she had noticed his depth perception was off. She also pointed out that he has got a bit of a squint in his left eye. Suddenly all of Dinky’s falls, bumps and spillage made more sense. I thought he may have just […]


I was sat in a dress shop watching my beautiful cousin try on her wedding dress when it first happened. That magical moment when you first feel your baby kick, not just a flutter but a full on boot you in the side. Everyone rushes around to feel your stomach, but the baby doesn’t kick again, that first big one […]