• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England
Kicking Psoriasis Ass One Step At A Time

Kicking Psoriasis Ass One Step At A Time

You may have already read my blog post on my psoriasis and how sometimes I’ve struggled to cope with it. Well, lately it’s at the worst it has ever been and is now covering over 40% of my body. It’s now in small patches on every section, and some of it is itching to the point of bringing me to tears.

What To Do Now?

So, I was sat in bed a few nights ago feeling sorry for myself (as you do) and decided that enough is enough. It’s time to make a change and do everything I can to help kick this pain and suffering. I’ve been reading up for a long time on how I can improve my psoriasis without medicated creams as they only seem to work for a short amount of time until my skin adapts and the creams no longer do anything.

It’s time for a radical diet change which I know is going to be really hard. I’ve decided to go vegan so that I can eliminate foods that flare up psoriasis, and finally give my body the nutrition it needs to clear my skin up.

I’m going to find it difficult because I absolutely adore dairy products and meat. There’s nothing better than a medium rare steak or a grilled cheese sarnie. But, I need to do this for the sake of my sanity. I can’t deal with the itchiness, the pain, and the appearance that psoriasis is giving me. It’s made me an unhappy person, and I’m fed up of it.

Join Me

For the last few days I’ve been eating vegan foods only, and while I haven’t noticed any difference to my skin yet, I already feel less bloated than I did before. I’m going to be starting up a vegan foods and advice section on the blog, to share my journey and to also help others that are in my predicament, or even those that want to go vegan for their own reasons. Let me help you to make the change that you desire!

Keep your eyes peeled for regular updates on my progress and also some super tasty vegan recipes!


2 thoughts on “Kicking Psoriasis Ass One Step At A Time

    • Author gravatar

      When you acquire psoriasis your own body has antibodies attacking itself. It shows upon the skin, as an abnormal tissue, or patches of red, inflamed, itchy, peeling skin and in reality is not a skin problem, it is a gut problem. Usually when you consume something and your body develops antibodies it creates auto immune, among a lot of other auto-immune conditions that you can get stemming from the gut. I recommend downloading this app https://goo.gl/8htboZ?drericbergandroid to get a deeper understanding about topics related to nutrition and well being

    • […] over ten years now, I’ve suffered with psoriasis on my elbows, knees, and scalp. Since having my boy and gaining weight, many more patches have come […]

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