• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England

Bring Some Class Into Your Home

Trying to make a house a home is one of those things that a lot of people assume is going to be incredibly easy but in reality, is really rather difficult. Part of the challenge is that a lot of the time people aren’t sure what it is that they want out of their homes. Often they look at blogs […]

Separating Your Living and Dining Space

When we’re on the lookout for a new home, we usually have a wish list of things that we’d like the house to have. Some of these things are essentials, like a garden or a drive. Others are things that we’d quite like, but they’re not necessarily deal breakers. This is where things like a spare room and a dining […]

Walking vs. Running: Why Walking is Better

Walking or running? This debate has been around for a long time, and it’s time we end once and for all.Some quarters consider running as better than walking while others support walking over running. However, one thing that is for sure is that both exercises do offer impeccable fitness and health benefits. If you’ve been walking for a while now, […]

Top Business Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Just like trends in fashion, business is also subject to constant new developments which shape the way we operate. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, if you don’t keep up the curve, it’s easy to get left behind, as customers have the choice of a wide marketplace. Of course, you will encounter industry specific trends, but their are also […]

The Freelancers Guide To Organizing Your Day

To some, the idea of going freelance is just a dream! It’s one of those things that you may have been dreaming about for years, yet you’re scared. Because there is just something about going freelance that can seem terrifying. Perhaps it’s all the rumours of how tough freelance life is or the fear of change, either way, you may […]

Your Career Called, It’s Time To Freelance

Freelancers are not only changing the economy, but they’re also transforming the business world. Indeed, the world where kids were limited to standard professional options when discussing their career choices is coming to an end. You don’t need to struggle with the unfair workload of an office job. You don’t have to worry about your boss being in a terrible […]

How to Keep Your Office In Order

If you would like to make the most out of your productivity at the office, it is crucial that you set up standard procedures and processes and focus on measuring every stage while ensuring that you are dealing with risks as efficiently as possible. There are so many distractions today’s employees have to face, not to mention things that happen […]