• missporkpie@gmail.com
  • Great Malvern, England

One Step at a Time: 4 Effective Decluttering Strategies to Get Things Done as Soon as Possible

Decluttering can feel like a daunting task. There are hundreds of websites, blogs, and businesses dedicated to helping people tackle the clutter in their homes for a more peaceful atmosphere and lifestyle. The key to getting anything done is to take that first step and just get started. Try these four effective decluttering strategies to get going. Store What You […]

Tips To Look After Your Personal Health

Your personal health is something that you should always take seriously, but it can be something that not everyone will focus on at times in their lives. We get busy, things take priority, and our health can sometimes be pushed out of the forefront. However, it’s always important to look after ourselves, so here are some tips to look after […]

5 Treatments for Knee Pain When Pregnant

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. It’s filled with joy, happiness, and baby showers. But, unfortunately, being pregnant has a couple of disadvantages as well – one of them is knee joint problems.  You will go through temporary hormonal changes and gain a little bit of weight during those nine months. Because of that, you’ll probably experience knee pain. Knee problems […]

Practical Self-Care for a Healthier You

A lot of people think that self-care is all about pampering yourself with expensive bubble baths or long yoga retreats, and although it can be like that, it doesn’t have to be the case. There are lots of simple, practical acts of self-care that you can carry out regularly to not only give yourself a break but also improve your […]

How to Approach a Scary Diagnosis

When something is wrong with your health, it can be really scary. On the one hand, you might be hoping that your problems come down to something simple and treatable and you are just over-reacting. On the other hand, there’s always that little voice inside your head that suddenly starts panicking about the worst-case scenario.  Image Credit: Pexels CC0 Licence  […]